
mandag den 2. november 2009

Sort of a pattern

This is not really a pattern, but more a description of how I made the knitted glasses. Toy glasses are all different, and what fitted these glasses is not necessarily the same pattern that will fit your glasses. But with a lot of fitting it will work out fine. You can increase or decrease the number of stitches to fit your own glasses.
I used Cinema 3D glasses like the ones shown here. These glasses have broad and narrow parts of the temple pieces.
First I cut out the "glasses" from the frames (since it is toy glasses, they are made of thin plastic). The frame was cut clean.
For the cover I used appr. 10 grams of "Hundertwasser" Sock Yarn from Opal. Any self-striping sock yarn could be used. To make a cover for the temple piece I cast on 8 stitches for an I-cord, using size 2½ needles (3 mm). I knit from the frame out - the piece of knitting needs to be long enough to cover the hinge. When I reached the narrow part, I decreased to 6 stitches. After the narrow part I increased to 8 stitches again. When the piece was long enough, I knit 2 together across, pulled the yarn through the last 4 stitches and tightened. I made the cover for the frames before making the other cover for the temple piece. This way the colours will be more variated on the finished glasses.
The cover for the frames is made in stockinette stitch. It is knit flat and sewn on afterwards. For the frames I cast on 8 stitches and purled 1 row. On the next (knit) row I increased 2 stitches and repeated these 2 rows once more = 12 stitches. Make 3 more rows of stockinette stitch, then increase 2 more stitches on a knit row = 14 stitches. Purl 1 row.
Continue in stockinette stitch on the first 7 stitches, let the other 7 stitches rest. Continue in stockinette stitch until the length fits the first part of the frame to the nose-part. Cut the yarn and knit stockinette stitch with the resting 7 stitches in the same way (remember - the length of the upper and lower part of the frame is different, and one piece has to be longer). The knitted piece should be slightly stretched when compared to the length of the frame.
For the nose-piece: knit stockinette stitch on all 14 stitches until piece is a bit longer than the nose piece (you should be able to fold it around the nose part). Divide the stitches in 2 again and repeat the above for the second frame. If you like, you can count rows to make the pieces completely identical.
After knitting the 2 pieces for the frame, continue on all 14 stitches: decrease 2 stitches (= 12 stitches) on first knit-row, make 3 more rows, then decrease 2 stitches on next knit row, purl 1 row. Repeat these 2 rows once (= 8 stitches). Bind off all stitches.
Make a second cover for the temple piece, identical to the first piece. The second piece is put next to the cast on side of the frame piece to variate the colours.
Sew in the ends on the temple pieces (the part for the ears), use all remaining ends for finishing.
Finish: Sew the temple pieces to the frame piece. Sew the frame pieces around the frame.
Take the "glasses", fit them to the knitted glasses using a razor-blade or a very sharp knife. Use a sharp needle, make 4-5 holes in the glasses and sew them to the frame using thin polyester thread.
Voila! Your glasses are finished! Spread some joy.....

2 kommentarer:

  1. i will be knitting up a pair of these for next summer, they are very stylish.


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