
fredag den 16. marts 2012

Virkeligt afhængig / Truly addicted

På mine tre dages kursus kunne jeg ikke strikke. Mine kolleger var straks klar over, at noget var galt! (Ja! Så meget kan man strikke på kurser, at det bliver normalt for de andre!)
Til gengæld kunne jeg heldigvis hækle, så det gjorde jeg. Godt nok måtte jeg kigge en del på hækletøjet, men jeg kunne da høre og også få læst præsentationerne....
Der kom et nøgle Zauberball Crazy med i tasken, og det blev til disse firkanter (der i virkeligheden er mørkere og med lidt mere støvet-grønne nuancer). Fint, ikke?
Det er selvfølgelig ikke nok til noget som helst, men jeg vil udnytte tiden og få lavet nogle flere, der matcher.
Hvor garn-afhængig er man så, når der bare SKAL noget mellem fingrene? Det føles jo næsten som at tage beroligende medicin, hvis man ikke kan få sit rusmiddel.... (Og bare for en sikkerheds skyld - det sidste har jeg ikke prøvet på egen krop!)

During my 3 days course, I couldn't knit. My colleagues realised right away that something was wrong! (Yes! You can knit so much at courses that your colleagues will regard it as normal!)
Fortunately, I could crochet, and so I did. I had to look a lot at my project, though, but I was listening and I could read the slides....
I brought a ball of Zauberball Crazy and turned it into these squares (in real life they are darker and more dusty-green). Pretty, right?
The squares are to few for any use, but if I take advatage of these days, I'll make some more in similar colors.
How much of a yarn-addict am I, when I really HAVE to have something in my hands? Almost feels like taking you tranquilizer when not being able to get your drugs...... (And just to clarify - I never tried that myself!)

7 kommentarer:

  1. Fine firkanter der kan blive til hvad som helst :)

  2. why couldn't you knit? did i miss something? did you hurt your hand? the colors of the yarn are gorgeous!! crochet is an adequate substitute i suppose! but i'm not a crochet fan. korrina and morgana enjoy it. my mom much prefers it . . . but i prefer to knit. and like you, i don't like being without my knitting. i don't like sitting still without anything to do . . it helps one to focus! korrina likes to knit in her lecture classes, but i don't think all her teachers like her to do so.

  3. Sadly, I broke my wrist. Fortunately, I only have to wear the cast for 2 weeks, and I am still able to crochet.

  4. Er man yarn-o-holic eller er man ikke hihi. Selvfoelgelig er vi det!

  5. oh my goodness! sending get well wishes to you!! i'm so glad you can still crochet! imagine not being able to do any handwork????? horrors! really!

  6. Thank you. I'm glad you understand my troubles. Just the thought of neither knitting, nor crochet! (Sends shivers down my back...)


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