
søndag den 21. oktober 2012

Smuk / Pretty

Denne lille fyr mødte jeg på fortovet i nærheden af Disneyland Paris. Fantastiske farver, ikke? Hvor den kom fra, hvor den skulle hen og hvad det var for en ved jeg ikke. Det var ikke Anders And, ihvertfald.....
Jeg er ret imponeret over, at selv hårene nærmest er neongule, og undrer mig over, hvad "piggen" bagtil på ryggen mon er til?
Mon ikke Charlotte kunne få en flot sweater ud af farverne på denne larve? Lur mig, om ikke hun ville have nogle idéer!

This little guy was crawling along the sidewalk close to Disneyland Paris. Amazing colors! Where he came from, where he was going, and what kind of animal he was is floating in the wind. It wasn't Donald Duck! I'm sure of that much...
I'm very impressed of the colors. Even the hairs are bright yellow! And I'm wondering what the stingy thing on the back is for?
I guess Charlotte could turn his colors into a lovely sweater? She has so many funny and interesting ideas with colors.

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