
tirsdag den 23. april 2013

Café hygge

For 3. gang på 4 dage har jeg været på café. Superhyggeligt!
Denne gang brunch med min søster. Vi tog til Vesterbro.

For the third time in 4 days I've visited a cafe. Pure hygge!
This time I had brunch with my sister. We went to Vesterbro.
Caféen var denne her. Kan helt sikkert anbefales! Totalt uens møbler overalt, lækker mad og god betjening. Der var ingen andre end os da vi kom, og god plads i sofaen. Men inden vi gik var der helt fyldt.

The cafe was this one. Really nice place! All the furniture was different, the food was delicious and the service was great. We were the only ones when we came, and there was a lot of space on the couch. But before we left, the cafe was full.
Der var også plads til børn.......
Nå. Og hvordan går det så lige med strikketøjet, tænker I nok? Tjoh..... Strømperne til min nevø SKAL være færdige og sendes i dag. I gang med artikellæsningen!

Children are welcome as well......
Oh well. And I'm sure you are all thinking "And what about the knitting?" Well...... The socks for my nephew are going to be DONE and posted today. I'd better get started reading those articles!

1 kommentar:

  1. :O looks really nice . . good luck with your reading!


Skriv gerne en lille kommentar - det er så hyggeligt!