Blomsterne kommer ved solnedgang og er åbne et døgn. Dufter helt vidunderligt!

Så i anledning af, at jeg igen har haft en blomstrende kaktus indenfor dørene, er dagens opskrift da selvfølgelig på en kaktus. God fornøjelse!
I had a cactus. Inherited from my grandmothers sister and around 30 years old. When living in Odense, it produced flowers every year. Opening at sunset, blooming for 24 hours and smelling wonderful. Unfortunately, it didn't like living in Copenhagen and produced no more flowers. The last few years it also got some disease, which also got into the new cactuses. But my friend in Odense had a baby cactus from a baby of my cactus, and gave me cactus with flower. So now I have had the joy of a cactus in bloom again!
To celebrate this, today's weird pattern of course is a cactus. Happy knitting!
I had a cactus. Inherited from my grandmothers sister and around 30 years old. When living in Odense, it produced flowers every year. Opening at sunset, blooming for 24 hours and smelling wonderful. Unfortunately, it didn't like living in Copenhagen and produced no more flowers. The last few years it also got some disease, which also got into the new cactuses. But my friend in Odense had a baby cactus from a baby of my cactus, and gave me cactus with flower. So now I have had the joy of a cactus in bloom again!
To celebrate this, today's weird pattern of course is a cactus. Happy knitting!
ja blomster kn væe meget underlige i hvor de vil trives.
SvarSletnoge vil bo nord, andre syd. nogen køligt, andre varmt.
held og lykke med kaktus :-)