Her kommer lige lidt mere garn- og shoppe-info!
Først lige lidt om nogle af indkøbene..... For der røg da lidt i kufferten! Først var der jo Knitpicks. Det blev både til 4 sock-blanks, som er "tæpper" strikket i glatstrik af dobbelt strømpegarn. Dem farver man efter forgodtbefindende, trevler op og strikker fine (og mystiske!) strømper. Desuden købte jeg flere farver, og skulle nu kunne trylle nogle spændende ting frem! Jeg kom også til at købe 100 gram alpaca-strømpegarn, i farven "Evil Stepmom". Meget fine blå og lilla farver, synes jeg, og helt utroligt blødt garn!
Hos Seaport Yarn kom jeg jo 2 min i lukketid og endte med at skynde mig at købe et nøgle temmelig pink og lilla strømpegarn. "Friske" farver, men det er fra Lorna´s Lace, som vist er et ret godt mærke. Bliver sikkert fine strømper til det grå vintervejr!
Jeg var også forbi "Lion Brand" - de har usædvanlige mængder acrylgarn (som jeg dog sprang over!) - hvor jeg fandt et nøgle uld og ståltråd (jeps!) - det tynde, sorte garn på spole. De havde et tørklæde hæklet i det, hvilket var ret stift, så jeg tænkte, at det lille nøgle mohair og silke ville gå godt sammen med?
Hos "Purl Soho" fik jeg Koigu, uld og silke. Meget fint, meget, meget dyrt, men med 25% rabat gik det alligevel. 1 nøgle købte jeg, 1 nøgle fik jeg af Dorina. Det skal blive til et Chevron tørklæde. Til sidst er der det grønne "græs"-garn og det mørk-pink silke på spole. Købt hos "Habu Textiles".
Virkelig, virkelig anderledes butik!
Var det så alt om garnbutikker? Nej... Jeg besøgte også "Knitty City", der ligger dejligt tæt på Central Park. Men jeg købte ikke noget garn. (Andre ting? Ja! Garn? Næh...)
Maybe you thought I finished talking of New York, but you were wrong.... Today a bit about yarn and shopping yarn. Some skeins managed to jump into my suitcase, although I didn´t have much room... The first to buy from was Knitpicks. I got 4 sock blanks and more dyes to use, and I am sure it will be some interesting socks! I also bought 2 skeins of alpaca-sockyarn in the colourway "Evil Stepmom". Very, very nice and soft! At "Seaport Yarn" I entered the store very late, and out of politeness (!) bought a pink and lilac skein of Lorna´s Lace sock yarn. Exceptionally bright colours and hopefully good for cheerfull winter-socks!
I also visited the "Lion Brand" store. Filled with acrylics (which I didn´t buy!) but also with some interesting stuff, like the black wool and stainless steel yarn. In the shop I saw a crocheted scarf in that yarn - it was a bit stiff, but I guess that in combination with the skein of mohair and silk it will work out nicely.
At "Purl Soho" I got some of the very finest luxury; Koigu yarn in wool and silk. I bought one skein myself and the other I had as a gift from Dorina. Beautiful colours for a Chevron Scarf!
Finally, there is the green "gras"-yarn and the dark pink silk-yarn. Both bought in "Habu Textiles". A very, very different shop! First of all, it is located on the 8th floor, and if you don´t have the adress, you will never find it... But it is really worth a visit! Strange yarn in unimaginable materials. For example yarn made from paper! (The bottom picture)
So - was that all? Well, no. I also visited the "Knitty City" shop. Very, very nice and cozy shop and conveniently located near Central Park. But I didn´t buy any yarn in there. (Other stuff; yes. Yarn; no)