De havde ihvertfald bygget denne fine sne-baby!
I opmærksomme læsere, der efterhånden er fuldt oplært i CPAP, vil genkende både Benveniste-ventil, CPAP-hue og en (meget vigtig!) sut til at lukke munden, så CPAP-luften ikke suser ud....
Men nissehuen!!!! Behøvede de virkelig bruge den så absolut uautoriseret?
Yesterday came with snow, and apparently also with a break in the life of the neonatal-nurses.
They built this very exceptional snow-baby!
You - my clever readers, who are experts in CPAP by now - have propably recognized the Benveniste valve, the CPAP-hat and a (very important!) pacifier to keep the mouth shut and the air from flying out through the mouth.
But the Santa hat!!!! Did they really have to use my hat in this totally un-authorized manner?
Ha ha ha ha ha... Ej hvor er det godt. :-)
SvarSletJa - virkelig sjovt!