I went to another yarn-shop. A day alone in downtown San Francisco, where I "happened to" mark some yarn-shops on the map (just in case....) The first one didn't sell yarn any more, but the second was visible down the street.
Men hvilket garn! Fantasifulde, fantastiske blandinger, der blev solgt pr. yard! (Hva'be'har!)
Jeg har aldrig set noget lignende..... Det var såmænd ikke dyrere end andet luksusgarn, men dyrt nok. Især når man forsøgte at gange prisen op (de var dog venlige nok til at oplyse prisen for garn til en bluse eller et tørklæde...)
Hvis du kommer til San Francisco, så prøv at gå derind. Det er lige i nærheden af Union Square, og det er en oplevelse!
P.S. - nej, jeg købte ingenting. Overhovedet!
What a shop! Totally different from any other shop I've seen. Filled with tables with samples, and the yarn in baskets under the tables.
And what yarn! Amazing combinations sold with a pr. yard price! (What do you think!)
I've never seen anything like it.... Not more expensive compared to other luxury-yarns, but pricey enough. Especially when you tried calculating the price (they were kind enough to tell the price for a sweater or a scarf...)
If you ever go to San Francisco, try this shop. Quite close to Union Square, and a experience like nothing else!
P.S. - no, I didn't buy anything. At all!
Lyder laekkert, men meget farligt hihi.
SvarSletPotentielt ekstremt dyrt, ja!
SvarSletSjov og anderledes ide til garnsalg!
SvarSletHatten af for dig - du købte ikke noget!!! Kan det nu passe???