So now I tried that as well. Halloween in USA! With über-excited kids, who have been looking forward to this for a very, very long time. Beautiful costumes, impressive parade and the cutest kids ever.
But there was more. The dogs had their parade as well, and was that ever so cute! You can see some of them here. There were more dogs. The best costume was "Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf", with the dog as the wolf dressed like Granny, and the owner disguised as Red Riding Hood.
And then there was more to tell you, of course. About seeing the kids again. About stuffing the suitcase with Christmas presents. About having the best time. About "Trick or Treat". About arriving in the summer heat with a sore throat and coughing. But you'll hear more some other time!
ja halloween er amerikansk og en herlig traditon :-)
SvarSletmen synes det sjovt som vi skal have de få amerikanske traditoner indført herhjemme... vi som har så mange i forvejen. Men nu hyggeligt at pynte op året rundt
Rikke - jeg er fuldstændigt enig.
SvarSletTil gengæld er det vældig sjovt at prøve det "rigtigt" i USA.
HI HI Ja, der er ikke mange som Amerikanerne - de gir´ den fuld gas ;O)