Her er det så, vi som strikkere kan hjælpe! Er det måske ikke trist med de bare træer? De ser så kolde ud! Derfor er det bare med at komme i gang med pindene og lave alle træer i nabolaget om til egetræer med disse blade. Avanceret garn-graffiti!
After the stormy weather yesterday, I guess the last leaves will have been forced to loose their grip and fall down.... Poor things! Wouldn't you want to help? And now you can! As knitters we can unite to help the poor, bare trees that look so cold. Just grab your needles and change all the trees in your neighbourhood - they will become oak-trees if you use this leaf-pattern! Advanced yarn-bombing!
hi christine, these are so pretty. i love them! thanks for posting :)
SvarSletYou are very wellcome. I'm sure New York needs some oak trees!