I have received a question on intarsia. As you might know, intarsia automatically creates very ugly edges where 2 colours meet each other. I found a way to solve this problem - I don´t know if it has a name, but I will try to describe it. If you sometime have use for this method, you are ever so wellcome.
Det øverste billede viser det netop færdigstrikkede forstykke til en Build-a-bear vest med sokketern. Som det ses, er især de øverste, skrå kanter ikke kønne. De smalle kryds igennem ternene ser egentlig ok ud.
The top picture is the front of a Build-a-bear argyle top. As it is clearly seen, especially the top edges of the pattern not pretty. The thin lines through the pattern is okay.
By using the loose ends hanging there anyway, I tighten up the yarn. I put the needle through the looser threads (white, vertical) from the change of rows, and then through the background colour (dark blue) a few stitches away. I sew through part of the blue stitches, so that the sewing will not be visible from the front.
The top, oblique part of the pattern sewn.
Finished sewing all edges, wrong side of the work.
The far right square finished. When compared to the other squares the difference is obvious.
Jeg har brugt denne metode til alle intarsia-sweatre på alle de områder, hvor kanterne ser grimme ud. Det er et stort arbejde, men jeg synes, det betaler sig.
I use this method when knitting intarsia-sweaters in all areas where the edges do not look nice. It is quite a work, but I think it pays of.
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