Derfor smuttede jeg forbi Jorungarn i går (har jeg nævnt bordet med supersoft en gang eller to før?) og fandt både lidt mørkeblåt og lidt sort. Så langt, så godt!
Men tænk - nok så lusket har de Hjerte "Roma" med 40% rabat. Og - OM det er blødt! Så der blev også lige købt ind til en trøje til min mindste nevø i februar. Han skal have "Fyrtøjet", kan jeg så godt lige røbe! Forkert garn, forkert pindetykkelse, men jeg finder nok ud af det....
Så lige nu glæder jeg mig over at jeg ikke havde et nytårsforsæt der hed "ingen garnkøb"!
I actually began knitting the sweater for my nephew. It is really fun to knit - at least this far! Great concept, casting on in the centre and working outwards. The yarn is totally yummy, too. The read and white is supersoft wool from my stash. The dark blue (you can hardly see the colour difference) for the main colour was bought at Mr. Weller's shop (it is so soft), but I still needed something for the outer ring of the target. I wanted it to be darker than the main colour, but didn't find it in the stash.
So I visited Jorungarn on the way home yesterday (did I ever mention the large table filled with "supersoft"?) and found not only a bit of dark blue, but also a little black. So far, so good!
But - would you know! - without thinking of the poor costumers who shouldn't buy yarn in January, there was "Roma" on a 40% sale. Cotton and acrylics, and sooooo soft. So I "happened" to buy some for a sweater for my youngest nephew in February. It is going to be "Fyrtøjet". Wrong yarn, wrong needlesize, but I'll work it out.
Right now I am just happy I didn't decide on a New Years resolution called "no more yarn-buying in 2011"!
ha ha! webs sent me a "yarn blow out sale" postcard for their holiday sale. greg saw it and said, "oh yeah. just what we need, new yarn for the new year!" i'm so glad he's with the program! : P
SvarSletPLEASE thank Greg from me - That is a great motto!
SvarSletSejt pletskud. Jeg gik endda ind hos Tante Grøn uden at købe garn trods mange gode tilbud.
SvarSletAlle de fristelser....
SvarSletDet er et sjovt projekt, du har gang i:)
Ja det var ogsaa een af de nytaarsforsaet som jeg undgik hehe. Okay, lageret skulle nok bruges foerst, meeeennnnnn.
SvarSletDet ser godt ud.
Ulla - hvad lavede du dog hos Tante Grøn, når du ikke ville købe noget? Testede din rygrad? Eller skulle du bare ønske godt nytår...
SvarSletEva - det er virkelig sjovt indtil videre! Jeg forudser dog kedsommelighed længere nede af vejen!
Lin - uha, hvis jeg skulle have mit lager ud først....