Næh - det er jo et spørgsmål om bier og blomster!
Så hvad er i grunden mere passende end at strikke en lille bi-hue til den nyfødte?
Du finder opskriften lige her.
Well - we have all been told (and I constantly remind people at work) that babies come with the stork. But we all know it is not true!
In Denmark it is well-known that shy parents explain the act of conception by talking of bees and flowers.... (I'm not quite sure wether American parents use the same approach) Possibly this explanation will become extinct very soon, since children are (almost too) enlightened using tv and the internet, but still - for now I think it will be extremely fitting to make a bee's hat for a newborn.
The pattern can be found here.
Hvor er den kær. Tak for link :)
SvarSletVelbekomme. Amerikanere laver ufattelige varianter af babyhuer!