I aftes fik jeg hvidvin på altanen. Og strikkede lidt. Det var skønt! I dag står den på arbejde, men når jeg så får fri, har jeg ferie. Glæder mig!
Last night I had white wine on the balcony. And knit a bit. So lovely! Today I'm working, but after work, my vacation starts. Looking forward to that!
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Heldige dig, - en ferie oven på en flytning, det er helt perfekt timing.
SvarSletJa - det bliver rart at få alting på plads!
Sletskønt med en altan :-) den får du megen glæde af
SvarSletDet tror jeg også. Det er meget dejligt med altan!
Sletohhhh, that's so nice. that is the one thing i wish i had: a balcony. well, there's a second thing: a window in the kitchen :)
SvarSletcongrats christine!!! it's so nice to sit and relax in your new place after all the hard work you've put into it! (though i think you still have a lot of unpacking to do . . :)
Thank you so much! I'm really happy with the new place, and most things have found their place by now, which is nice. I'm tired of the entire packing/unpacking thing!
SletI do love the balcony.