Grøn som denne forbløffede undulat. (Undulater kan ikke lide damer med mærkelige kameraer og deres underlige lyde)
Today the color is green. Amazingly, it wasn't too difficult finding something green at home.
Green like this highly astounded budgerigar. (Birds generally don't like ladies with weird cameras and their scary noises)
Green like "Mr. Nelson" - the big book with all you need to know about children!
Sidst, men ikke mindst, grøn som dåsen med fuglefrø. Engang indeholdt den velduftende pibetobak, nu dufter den knap så meget, men fin er den stadig!
Last, but not least, green like the box of birds seeds. At some point it was filled with the lovely scent of tobacco, but now it doesn't really smell of anything. Still pretty, though!
grønt er nu godt for mange ting....
SvarSleti thought it was a big box of tea! your birds are sweet :)
SvarSletGrønt er rigtig godt!
SvarSletNo, no tea in that box. But it's very pretty. I love my birds. They are really funny, and not that scared, really. But they like to work themselves up, I think!
Din grønne vasketøjskurv går rent ind hos mig :-)
SvarSletDen er såmænd bare fra Føtex eller Bilka!