Det gode er, at det bliver varmt og blødt og STORT! Faktisk fuldstændig gigantisk! Lige nu skal jeg til at begynde på endnu et nøgle, som jeg måtte fræse ned og købe ekstra i Sommerfuglen. Bare fordi der ikke var nok!
Så - hvis nogen begynder at tale om "Den Hvide Dame" på Århus musikkonservatorium, så er det såmænd nok bare niecen der begynder at vimse rundt i sit sjal i nærmeste fremtid..... Hvis hun fryser, når dette sjal er færdig, er hun et skarn!
The shawl for my oldest niece has made me breathe very heavily. Many, many times! Mohair-boucle is absolutely hopeless for recognising a pattern easily, and just the thought of unraveling is even worse.....
The good things are that it will be warm and soft and BIG! Actually, it's going to be gigantic! Right now I'm starting another skein of yarn, that I had to buy right now, if I'm to finish in time. Just because the first skeins were not enough!
So - if "The White Lady" (famous ghost) shows up at the Academy of Music in Aarhus, then it's probably my niece, walzing around in her new shawl very soon..... If she is still cold after getting this shawl, I'm not sure what to do!
Det bliver helt sikkert fantastisk!
SvarSletMåske man kan få et billede af "Den hvide dame" ;O)
Det kunne da være! (Men nu er det jo generelt svært at fotografere spøgelser...)
SvarSletit's beautiful, christine. she's going to love it! i made a shawl for myself once out of fleece artist curlylocks, (special harvest gold dye . . something like that . . lovely and golden!), but i did just straight knit . . not a pattern. i had a difficult enough time with the straight knit! so i know what you're going through :P
SvarSletDorina - the yarn is horrible! I actually made some big mistake and the two edges are different, but didn't have to nerve to try unraveling. The yarn sticks to itself, making it hard to rip out.
SvarSletAnyway - I hope (and think) no-one will really notice. The shawl is finished now, it's blocking and turns out really huge. I think she'll like it!