Orange i hjemmet krævede alligevel lidt, men jeg fandt det da!
Først mine måleskeer fra Ikea. Hvem ville ikke vælge orange til sådan nogle?
Today we're talking orange. A lovely color that lightens up and brings happy thoughts. (Well - you've already guessed it's one of my favorites, right?) I have had some orange clothes over the years, and I still looooooove burned orange.......
Orange things at home did make me think, though. But I found it!
First my measuring-"spoons" from Ikea. Who wouldn't pick orange for these?
My bedlinnen is orange right now too!
Orange, crocheted carrots. Great birthday-present last year from a friend. Made by her sister and included in a pack of other healthy, crocheted vegetables.
Pretty, orange bowl from Turkey. It has a small injury in the black, but that won't stop me from using it! (I also have some red bowls in a similar pattern. Very, very pretty!)
Okay, han er jo ikke her i mit hjem, men han er i mit hjerte. Tæller det ikke også?
Last, but not least - todays birthday boy! My youngest nephew with the orange hair turns 6 today. Very big day! Here he is a big school-boy, and I'm not kidding - he grows 4 inches everytime he puts on the bag!
Okay. He is not here in my home, but he is in my heart. That counts as well, doesn't it?
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