Cactuses are pretty. Especially when they bloom! They are also great for giving children some respect for plants - because who wants to get stung? They are really survivors, but also easy to kill. And they should be the place to find fluid if you get lost in the dessert. So today's pattern is for a cactus hat. Not that prickly. Always in bloom. The pattern is this one.
mandag den 31. maj 2021
Nogle elsker kaktus / Some people love cactus
søndag den 30. maj 2021
F508del homozygot
lørdag den 29. maj 2021
Lidt mindre pludseligt / Slightly less sudden
fredag den 28. maj 2021
Pludselig / Suddenly
torsdag den 27. maj 2021
Digitalt kursus / Digital course
onsdag den 26. maj 2021
tirsdag den 25. maj 2021
Klar / Ready
mandag den 24. maj 2021
En trold til haven / A troll for the garden
There are so many gardens with elves - they come in many sizes and kinds. But why not making a little troll instead? Depending on how heavy your yarn is and what size of hook you use, you can make them in different sizes. The pattern is this one.
søndag den 23. maj 2021
Travl weekend / Busy weekend
lørdag den 22. maj 2021
fredag den 21. maj 2021
Virkelig afslappende / Really relaxing
torsdag den 20. maj 2021
Enhjørninger / Unicorns
onsdag den 19. maj 2021
tirsdag den 18. maj 2021
Lillebitte og meget stor / Teeny tiny and really big
mandag den 17. maj 2021
Gammeldags / Old fashioned
søndag den 16. maj 2021
Lidt længere / A bit further
lørdag den 15. maj 2021
Det er rart med en stor seng / Having a large bed is nice
fredag den 14. maj 2021
En til fødselsdag / Another birthday
torsdag den 13. maj 2021
Gnavne tomater / Grumpy tomatoes
onsdag den 12. maj 2021
tirsdag den 11. maj 2021
Strømpepause / Sock break
mandag den 10. maj 2021
Jeg ville ønske de kunne skræmmes / I wish they would be scared
Snails are horrible little beasts. They can move surprisingly fast - especially when they smell strawberries! They love EVERYTHING strawberry and happily eat the leaves or hibernate underneath their favorite plants. I SO wish that you could put up a scare-snail just to keep them away. Maybe if I knit these and write warnings on them?
søndag den 9. maj 2021
7 år / 7 years
lørdag den 8. maj 2021
fredag den 7. maj 2021
Hvis planter kunne tale / If plants could talk
torsdag den 6. maj 2021
Ikke et øjeblik / Not a moment
onsdag den 5. maj 2021
tirsdag den 4. maj 2021
mandag den 3. maj 2021
Hvidløg / Garlic
Garlic is great. It is yummy in almost anything, and I actually even think it looks quite nice. At least today's kind of garlic which is a really pretty, knitted garlic. The very rare kind of garlic that will not result in smelly fingers. The pattern is right here.