Den anden er jo nærmest en umulighed - en ny Elizabeth Zimmermann bog? Men jo, den er god nok! En bog fyldt med retstrikkede modeller, og hvilke modeller! De er så superseje og interessante og "aha!"-agtige som nogensinde!
I dag skal jeg iøvrigt have sammensat min pakke til en garn-bytte-leg. Det går jo nok ikke at sende amerikansk garn tilbage til en amerikaner, så der skal lige findes lidt dansk......
The suitcase came with 2 books as well. Pure classics, even though they are brand new! I had to own the Lopi-book, especially to give my 17 year old niece something to pick from when choosing the pattern for her Icelandic sweater. (Great excuse, right?) Filled with grrrreat patterns, and an amazing childrens sweater with yellow ducklings on the yoke.
The other book really is an impossibility - a new Elizabeth Zimmermann book? But it's true! A book filled with garter-stitch patterns, and what patterns! As super-cool and interesting and surprising as ever!
Today I'm going to make a package for a yarn-swop. It's probably no good mailing interesting, American yarn back to an American, so I'd better find something Danish.....
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