Jeg er nået igennem det første mønster, og det bliver smukt..... Garnet er med spindeolie og både lugter og føles mærkeligt, men jeg er temmelig spændt på hvordan det er efter vask. Jeg forventer mig alt godt!
I morgen skal I få billeder at se, og så kan I jo nok gætte, hvor pinsen blev tilbragt.....
My "emergency" shawl was started quite fast. Not, that I lacked projects, oh no!, but I really wanted to start this up. Two skeins of shetland wool, bought here, seemed to be perfect, and the pattern was ready from the time when I never got started in the spring-KAL.
I've worked my way through the first pattern, and it is turning out beautifully! The yarn is not washed and contains oil for spinning. It smells weird and feels a bit stiff, so I'm very excited about how it will turn out after a wash. I think it will be wonderful and soft!
Tomorrow I'll show you some pictures, and then you'll probably be able to guess where my holidays were spent....
Øj, det tegner smukt! Kan godt forstå din kriblen ;-)