Ikke desto mindre så syntes jeg lige umiddelbart, at en enkelt strømpe med sindssygt mange snoninger der krævede at jeg konstant kiggede i mønsteret, ikke lige lagde op til én mere lige nu.
Derfor er jeg startet på strømpepar nr. 4 af 5 til niecen. Denne gang i neongrøn Arwetta (uh - der findes mange slags grøn!) og et mønster fra "Think outside the sox" (glimrende bog!). Huller til en afveksling. Nr. 2 snoningsstrømpe skal nok komme, men nu bruger jeg så pind 2,25 mm til de her først...
You might want to find the diagnosis in the list now, but I'm so sorry. The SSS (Second Sock Syndrome) is a knitting-world diagnosis only. And - no - I'm not quite sure that this is the right name for what I'm doing.
Anyway - I thought one sock filled with cables and the need to check the chart constantly would be enough for the moment, and started another pair for the niece. Awfully bright green and with a lace-pattern from the book "Think outside the sox" (excellent book, by the way!).
The second cable-sock? Oh, it will come around in a few weeks. Don't worry!
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