Jeg har hørt, at man nogle steder i gamle dage holdt "tusmørke" eller skumring. For at spare lidt på lyset, sad man i tusmørket og hyggede og ventede på at det blev så mørkt, at man kunne tænde lyset.
Hvilken herlig tradition!
I går aftes fik jeg en halv time på altanen til dette. Det var godt nok skønt, og det kunne nok være godt at øve sig på bare at sidde og kigge, tænker jeg. Det er godt at kigge ud på lys og nuancer.
I've heard, that some people back in time, had a tradition of enjoying the dusk in the evening. In order to save a bit of light, the family sat together in the semi-dark, enjoyed being together and awaited the time when it was dark enough to turn on the light. What a lovely tradition!
Last night, I had half an hour on the balcony for this. It was wonderful, and I guess it would be good practice just sitting there, looking at all the lights. It is really beautiful.
At holde skumring. - ja, det er slet ikke så tosset tænkt.
SvarSletNej, det er en rigtig god ide!