fredag den 28. juni 2019

Five feet apart

I går aftes var jeg i biografen med mit team fra arbejde. Vi havde talt om at se "Five feet apart", en film om umulig kærlighed og cystisk fibrose. De andre skulle se den næste uge, men pludselig var det sidste chance og så kunne jeg pludselig også komme med.
Var den så god? JA! Den spillede godt nok på alle Hollywood tangenter og en hel del ting var virkelig mærkelige og urealistiske. Men hele konceptet var godt med de her patienter som vi for enhver pris VIL have til at overleve, som bliver ret begrænsede i deres liv fordi de skal være så meget på sygehus og have så meget medicin. Og er helt isolerede fra andre patienter med samme sygdom, fordi de kan smitte.
Da jeg startede med at arbejde med cystisk fibrose for snart 18 år siden (YES! Jeg føler mig GAMMEL!) havde det været en social sygdom, hvor man var indlagt sammen og kendte de andre. Nu må de kun mødes online.
Filmen gav stof til eftertanke om sygdom og om at gøre det, man vil. Om vores forventninger og patienternes ønsker og håb. Og - ja - så blev jeg da virkelig glad for at vores behandling er så meget bedre end hvad det er i USA.......

Last night I went to the movies with my team from work. We talked about watching "Five feet apart", a movie about impossible love and cystic fibrosis. The others planned to watch it next week, but suddenly it was our last chance and then I could come as well.
Was it good? YES! It did every possible Hollywood effect and a lot of stuff was really weird and unrealistic. But the concept was great showing these patients, who we by all means WANT to keep alive, but who become very limited in their lives, spending a lot of time at the hospital and taking so much medicin. And being totally isolated from other patients with the same disease, since they are contagious.
When I started working with cystic fibrosis almost 18 years ago (YES! I feel OLD!), it used to be a very social disease, with everybody being admitted at the same time, knowing the other patients. Now they are only allowed to meet online.
The movie gave me something to think about with regard to disease and about doing what you want. About our expectations and the wishes and dreams of the patients. And - yeah - I was really happy that our treatment is so much better compared to the US......

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