søndag den 17. april 2016

Dronningens fødselsdag / The queens birthday

I går tog vi til dronningens fødselsdag. Sammen med flere tusind andre.
Det var så fantastisk!
Ikke, at vi kom så tidligt som planlagt, hvilket nok mest var min skyld, så vi kom ikke sådan helt tæt på.

Yesterday, we went to the queens birthday. Together with several thousand others.
It was so fantastic!
We didn't arrive as early as planned, which mostly was my fault, so we didn't get very close.
Men vi så dem. Allesammen! Prins Henrik var der også, hvilket var virkelig skønt at se.
Det var virkelig, virkelig sjovt og fedt at kunne vise en amerikaner kongefamilien og ægte prinser og prinsesser. Det hjælper selvfølgelig også, at jeg bare er helt tosset med kongefamilien og alt hvad de laver.

But we saw them! All of them! Prince Henrik was there as well, which was really nice.
It was so much fun and really cool being able to show an American the royal family and real princes and princesses. It also helps how I just love the royal family and everything they do.
Min nevø kom også og viste bagefter rundt på Christiania. Han havde aldrig nogensinde været til dronningens fødselsdag, men han kunne også godt lide det.
Soldaterne var i galla, og der var rigtig mange af dem! Fanen skulle bæres ind gennem porten her, så ingen måtte komme tæt på soldaterne i baggrunden, men da den enes bedstemor stod og var vildt skuffet, fik hun alligevel lov at blive fotograferet med sit barnebarn.
Vi fulgte med soldaterne hele vejen tilbage til kasernen og efter frokost tog vi på tur.

My nephew also came, and afterwards he gave us a tour of Christiania. He had never ever showed up for the queens birthday before, but he really liked it, too.
The soldiers wore galla, and there were a lot of them! The flag was being carried inside through this gate, so nobody could get close to the soldiers in the background, but the grandmother of one of the soldiers was really disappointed and got to have a photo with her grandson anyway.
We walked with the soldiers all the way back to their quarters and after having lunch we went on the tour.
Det eneste jeg har set af Christiania var Pusher Street, som jeg virkelig, virkelig, virkelig ikke kan lide. Derfor har jeg aldrig rigtig gået længere ind.
Men sammen med Lasse var det rigtig spændende, og vi gik rundt og kiggede på alle de hjemmebyggede huse som er så smukke. Der var fint og grønt på volden, og vi fandt også et par gynger.

The only part of Christiania I saw before, was Pusher Street, which I really, really, really don't like. So I haven't really gone deaper into the place.
But together with Lasse it was quite interesting seeing the place, and we went around, looking at all the homebuild houses that are so pretty. The hill around the place was pretty and green, and we found a couple of swings, too.
Bagefter var der lige tid til at komme indenom La Glace til en gang fantastisk kage! Jeg kunne godt nok kun spise halvdelen af min kage, men skulle jo gemme plads til lidt mere flødeskum om aftenen, når Morgana skulle smage sit livs første Irish Coffee mens hun så sit livs første James Bond film.
Det blev en meget hyggelig aften.

Afterwards, we had time to visit La Glace for an amazing round of cakes! I could really only half my cake, but had to save a little room for more whipped cream in the evening, when Morgana was going to have her very first Irish Coffee while watching her very first James Bond movie.
It was a very nice evening.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Det var da en fantastisk dag, der ville jeg godt være med.

    1. Det var nemlig en rigtig dejlig dag!

  2. This is wonderful Christine :) Christiania must be interesting since you have such a strong opinion :) . . . I'll have to read about it . . The cakes look delicious and how nice to have your nephew join you. Oh! Yes, I know about Christiania .. . I actually was telling Morgana a little bit about it . . the little that I knew. I'm glad she got to see it :) Yes . . it is an interesting place I think. Very Danish!?? :O Which James Bond?? Do you have a favorite James Bond actor? (And that's a cute story about the grandmother and her grandson).

    1. Christiania is kind of famous here..... Much nicer than I thought!
      We watched the very first James Bond, Dr. No, and then the first one starring Daniel Craig, Casino Royal.

  3. Sikke da en dejlig og kontrastfyldt turist-runde.
    Jeg kommer på Christiania til deres julemarked i Den grå hal, og jeg holder så meget af det. Jeg er lidt stolt af, at det findes i vores ellers så ordentlige land (selvom Pusher Street virkelig ikke er godt).
    Og Kongefamilien i solskin :)

    1. Julemarkedet i den grå hal må vist komme på listen over ting jeg skal gøre....


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