Men det er helt klart sofastrik, det her! Bare diagrammerne! Uha.
You should see this - I've actually startet knitting the body of the math-sweater. The rib edge and the stars were not hard to do, although it didn't really grow very fast. But now, starting on the formulas, it's really down to babysteps...... Oh dear. Just the thought of New Year approaching! (And I'm looking so very much forward to knitting something for me!) Fortunately he would be quite happy to receive it in January, for instance, but I would really love to finish it this year.... After the first row of formulas I'm going to knit a rather big train, and then I should be at the beginning of the sleeves. Ought to be manageable, so I'm really hoping it will get done.
This sweater is definitely for knitting on the coach! Just imagine the charts!
you do such beautiful work! i wish you luck for finishing it soon, so you can work on something for yourself :)
SvarSletbe careful of those charts! they sound a little scary . . definitely a couch project!
Flot ser det ud! Jeg glæder mig til at se formlerne :-)
SvarSletWou det ser godt ud - jeg glæder mig også MEGET til at se formlerne.
SvarSletStrik til dig selv - det lyder fornuftigt og spændende ;)
Begyndelsen ser da flot ud! Jeg hepper på, at du når det inden nytår, så du kan slå op på noget luksuriøst til dig selv nytårsmorgen! ;)
SvarSletDorina - thank you. I have high hopes about this sweater!
SvarSletTak skal I allesammen have. Jeg er også ret spændt på, om formlerne ser "rigtige" ud på strik, eller kun på mine diagrammer!
Og der skal strikkes igennem.... Nytårsmorgen til mig? Lyder fristende!