Nok det simpleste Cookie A. mønster på jorden, men dejligt at strikke og temmelig fint.
Hvis der er noget, Cookie A. er god til, så er det snoninger. Nu prøver jeg for 2. gang hendes super-elegante teknik, hvor der tages masker ud til snoningen i starten, hvorefter de lukkes af til slut. Det ser simpelthen så godt ud! Desuden passer maskeantallet så flot, at det glatstrikkede efter snoningen ikke bliver videre. Ovenfor kan I se starten på snoningerne, som de vokser ud af ribben.
More socks are on my needles.... (Can you imagine?) My sister chose a skein of American yarn for socks, and I'm making her BFF socks from the book Knit.Sock.Love. by Cookie A.
I guess it must be the simplest Cookie A. pattern on this planet, but it's lovely to knit and quite pretty.
If Cookie A. is good at anything, it's really cables. These socks are my second time around Cookie's Cables and her extremely elegant technique, in which the stitches for the cable are increased in the beginning and decreased at the end. It's just amazing how good it looks! Furthermore, the number of stitches match in a way that the following stocking-stitch doesn't look too wide. Above you can see the beginning of the cables and the way they just grow out from the ribbing.

Denne teknik har jeg brugt på babyvesten, som I kan se. Er det ikke bare smukt, som vidden af snoning og glatstrik passer? Der bliver så 4 masker færre pr. snoning, men det går endda. Vesten er snart færdig, og den er fin!
The end of the cable is also very elegant. At the last cable you knit the stitches from the cable-needle together with the stitches on the left-hand needle, instead of twisting them. And without any trouble the fabric is nice and smooth and the number of stitches fit. As a bonus, you don't really notice it, since it just look like the final twist of the cable.
I used this technique on the babyvest, as you can see. Isn't it just pretty, the way the stocking stitch gauge is the same as the cable gauge? I have 4 stitches less for each cable, but it's working out well.
The vest is finished very soon, and it looks good!