onsdag den 31. maj 2023
tirsdag den 30. maj 2023
Helt vildt lang tid / Took me so long
mandag den 29. maj 2023
Måske om 10 år / Maybe in 10 years
I planted a tiny wine in my garden. So far, it survived and is even growing leaves! I hope so much that it will grow big and grow up under the roof of my terrace and will grow lovely grapes! So maybe in 10 years I might need today's pattern? Little grape cozies!!!!!!
søndag den 28. maj 2023
Ginskole / Gin school
lørdag den 27. maj 2023
Der er jo en 1-årig mere / There is another 1 year old
fredag den 26. maj 2023
Jeg faldt i en garnbutik / I fell in a yarn shop
torsdag den 25. maj 2023
Det kunne være sjovt / It could be fun
onsdag den 24. maj 2023
tirsdag den 23. maj 2023
Starten / The beginning
mandag den 22. maj 2023
Ren hygge / 100% cozy
I love my hammock. But I'm sure there are more creatures who like hammocks? Maybe your pet? Today's pattern is for a crochet hammock for a not too big pet moving around on the floor. The pattern can be found right here.
søndag den 21. maj 2023
Rigtigt forår! / Real spring!
lørdag den 20. maj 2023
Såååå langsomt! / Soooo slow!
fredag den 19. maj 2023
Politimuseet / The police museum
torsdag den 18. maj 2023
Jeg havde glemt den / I forgot all about it
onsdag den 17. maj 2023
tirsdag den 16. maj 2023
Færdig med striberne / Done with the stripes
mandag den 15. maj 2023
Eksotisk / Exotic
Todays pattern is not just weird. It's also really poisonous! The rainforest frogs in the pretty colors are a walking warning to stop anyone from eating them. Actually, don't even try to kiss them, since the toxin is on their skin! But they are very pretty, nonetheless. Really beautiful! The pattern is on Youtube. Have fun!
søndag den 14. maj 2023
En til / Another one
lørdag den 13. maj 2023
fredag den 12. maj 2023
Næsten familie / Almost family
torsdag den 11. maj 2023
En passende gave / A fitting gift
onsdag den 10. maj 2023
tirsdag den 9. maj 2023
Ukrudt / Weeds
mandag den 8. maj 2023
Mariehøner / Ladybirds
There are so many creatures in my garden right now. I do NOT like the snails! Whether they are with or without houses, they eat my strawberries and who knows what else, so we are definitely not friends! But the ladybirds? They are nice! They are pretty and they eat aphids who otherwise make holes in my cherry-leaves. So today's pattern is for nice ladybirds. Maybe they can be used to scare away the aphids? The pattern is right here.