Fredag startede med ret høje forventninger om syning af nederdele, tur i biografen og tur på McDonalds (som hører til sjældenhederne.)
Med symaskinen fremme og for at aktivere barnet mens jeg trak elastik i kanten, fik hun lov at sy en "scrunchie" (som vi andre jo producerede i store mængder i halvfemserne så de altid passede til tøjet!). Det gik faktisk rimelig godt! Det med at trække elastik igennem blev næsten dødsstødet for den kreative interesse, men efter vi hjalp hinanden blev det såmænd helt godt, og i løbet af nogle timer fortalte hun at hun selv havde syet den. Hvilket var min plan. Hvis børn skal lære at lave noget kreativt, så skal de jo lige skubbes ud over kanten, ikke?
Friday started with quite high expectations of sewing skirts, going to the movies and going to McDonald's (which is a rare thing to do.)
With the sewing machine on the table, and for activating the child while I pulled elastic band in the edge, she got to sew a "scrunchie" (I remember making mountains of these in the nineties, so something always matched the clothes!). It went reasonably well! Pulling the elastic band through it almost killed the creative spark, but after we helped each other, it went quite well, and within a few hours, she said that she made it herself. Which was my plan. If kids should learn doing something creative, they need to be pushed over the edge, right?
Vi nåede faktisk det hele, og jeg nåede at sy alle 3 nederdele. En til T, 2 til lillesøster ("fordi hun har jo slet ingen, faster Christine!"). Så nu bliver det spændende i dag om de passer, og lillesøster bliver glad.
Det var så også det sidste My Little Pony stof fra kælderen. Lidt sørgeligt. Gad altså virkelig snart godt til USA og en tur i Jo-Ann igen......
Dagens kostplan blev også utroligt "sund". McDonald's til frokost, og amerikanske pandekager til aftensmad, efter gæstens ønske. Tror næsten jeg skal have rugbrød i aften!
We actually did everything, and I managed to sew all 2 skirts. One for T, two for her little sister ("because she doesn't have any of those, aunt Christine!"). So today it will be interesting to see if they fit, and if her little sister is happy. This was the last of My Little Pony fabric from my basement. A bit sad. I really would love to pop by the US and go to Jo-Ann again......
The food of the day was incredibly "healthy". McDonald's for lunch and American pancakes for dinner, as the guest asked for. I almost think I'll be having rye-bread tonight!
Du hygger.
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