torsdag den 30. november 2023
onsdag den 29. november 2023
tirsdag den 28. november 2023
Alene hjemme / Home alone
mandag den 27. november 2023
Man har brug for en krans / You will need a wreath
December is right around the corner, and you need to decorate! It's really nice having a wreath on the door, showing that Christmas is coming, so that's the pattern you'll get today! So it's the lower half of an elf that obviously couldn't slow down...... The pattern can be found right here.
søndag den 26. november 2023
Klar / Ready
lørdag den 25. november 2023
Videre til skørtet / On to the skirt
fredag den 24. november 2023
Sjovt / Fun
torsdag den 23. november 2023
Tiny Tulips
onsdag den 22. november 2023
tirsdag den 21. november 2023
En kæmpe overraskelse / A giant surprise
mandag den 20. november 2023
Ekstremt sjælden / Extremely rare
This week, all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. I think this is their biggest holiday! I never celebrated and I don't know if I ever will, but it's a beautiful thought, right? A celebration of gratitude! Well. So todays pattern is for something extremely rare. Even for a Thanksgiving celebration! It's a crochet unicorn-turkey. Check out the pattern yourselves!
søndag den 19. november 2023
Helt andre planer / Totally different plans
lørdag den 18. november 2023
På sporet igen / Back on track
fredag den 17. november 2023
Om igen / Starting over
torsdag den 16. november 2023
Fire år! / Four years!
onsdag den 15. november 2023
tirsdag den 14. november 2023
Fossiller / Fossils
mandag den 13. november 2023
Tænk hvis.... / Imagine if....
Did you ever play Super Mario? Then you'll know that there are flowers in the game. Of course there are the meat-eating flowers that are not really helpful. More practical are the flowers that Mario catch so he can start shooting ice and fire! Today's pattern is for exactly those flowers. Can you imagine if they really worked? Society would be full with fire-balls and ice-beams......
søndag den 12. november 2023
Skøn lørdag / Wonderful Saturday
lørdag den 11. november 2023
Næste barn / Next kid
fredag den 10. november 2023
Et ærme! / A sleeve!
torsdag den 9. november 2023
French Market Bag
onsdag den 8. november 2023
tirsdag den 7. november 2023
Fredag aften / Friday night
mandag den 6. november 2023
Lampe / Lamp
Yesterday, I went to IKEA. I bought some bags and a skeleton for a lamp which I think I can crochet a cover for. So now that I'm thinking about lamps, today's pattern is also a crochet lamp. This one with granny squares. Plenty of holes for the light to shine through! The pattern is this one.