tirsdag den 31. august 2021
Fornødenhedsrum / Room of requirement
mandag den 30. august 2021
Sporarbejde / Trackwork
This week, they are working on the tracks between Malmö and Lund. Finishing 2 bridges, and then there will be a 4 track railroad between the cities. Which is nice! But all week, there are replacement busses. It's not fun using an extra 20 minutes each way, but if it works as well as last time, I guess it'll be okay. Today's pattern is for a bus-pillow.
søndag den 29. august 2021
At måle / Measuring
lørdag den 28. august 2021
Hyldebær / Elderberries
fredag den 27. august 2021
Lækkert / Delicious
torsdag den 26. august 2021
Usædvanligt / Unusual
onsdag den 25. august 2021
tirsdag den 24. august 2021
Ikke helt / Not quite
mandag den 23. august 2021
Jeg elsker dem her / I love these
Raspberries are very different from what I thought. The ones in my garden, at least! Right now, I have raspberries every day, and I collect them, so I can make a cake for my birthday. It's really special using raspberries from your very own garden.... And I love how they are ripe a bit later than anything else! Today's pattern is for knitted raspberries. I'm sure they can be used for something.
søndag den 22. august 2021
Hurtigt / Quickly
lørdag den 21. august 2021
Han sagde rød / He said red
fredag den 20. august 2021
Pludselig føltes det rigtigt / Suddenly, it felt right
torsdag den 19. august 2021
onsdag den 18. august 2021
tirsdag den 17. august 2021
Gæst / Visitor
mandag den 16. august 2021
Naturligt / Natural
By now it's the time of year when the apples are getting ripe. So delicious! 2 years ago, I made apple puree. It was so yummy, for instance a bit of puree in some kind of yoghurt after an expensive visit to the dentist, when I could only eat cold stuff. Last year, I didn't make any, and I missed it! So yesterday, I picked up the apples lying under the tree and cooked puree. I didn't include the worms, though, although it would probably have helped the protein-content..... Today's pattern is for a cute little worm!
søndag den 15. august 2021
Mere garn / More yarn
lørdag den 14. august 2021
Stadig sjovt / Still fun
fredag den 13. august 2021
torsdag den 12. august 2021
Kjoler / Dresses
onsdag den 11. august 2021
tirsdag den 10. august 2021
Man får ideer / You get ideas
mandag den 9. august 2021
Hibiscus is mostly seen inside the house in the window sill here in Denmark. But it can actually survive in the garden all summer! If you just remember to take it back inside in the fall. Today's pattern is for a really nice hair tie with hibiscus. It's a really nice idea and great for last-minute gifts.