torsdag den 31. august 2023
onsdag den 30. august 2023
tirsdag den 29. august 2023
Lidt kaos / A little chaos
mandag den 28. august 2023
A few days ago, I read on the internet that they have a big project going on these days, trying to find the Loch Ness monster. Well - hard to say if they'll succeed this time - if they don't find Nessie, they'll just keep looking. Well. So I thought this Monday should be dedicated to the monster! Knit a pretty hat. The pattern is here.
søndag den 27. august 2023
Jeg var ikke sikker på den ville overleve / I wasn't sure it would survive
lørdag den 26. august 2023
Rumfeber / Space fever
fredag den 25. august 2023
Jeg burde strikke strømper / I should be knitting socks
torsdag den 24. august 2023
onsdag den 23. august 2023
tirsdag den 22. august 2023
mandag den 21. august 2023
Lige så vigtigt som vitaminer! / As important as vitamins!
If there is something very important in the morning, then it must be my coffee! I think I make kind of strong coffee - it must taste like coffee! - but it means I'm up and running. The strange thing is though that my colleagues don't think I drink coffee, since I already had it before going to work.... Todays pattern is for a kind of big coffee bean, and you can find it right here.
søndag den 20. august 2023
Langsomt / Slowly
lørdag den 19. august 2023
Fredag aftens drama / Friday night drama
fredag den 18. august 2023
Virkelig kedeligt / Really boring
torsdag den 17. august 2023
Lidt mere garn / A bit more yarn
onsdag den 16. august 2023
tirsdag den 15. august 2023
Det sidste af min ferie / The last bits of my vacation
mandag den 14. august 2023
Did you watch the Barbie-movie? It's really pink and fun! I watched it at the movies, a knitting-night, and even the two kids who got dragged along and didn't understand English, liked it. On Ravelry there are plenty of patterns for Barbie clothes, but I did think it would be more fun with a pattern that was not doll-sized. So today's pattern is a Barbie-handbag. For humans. You can find the pattern here.
søndag den 13. august 2023
Rød / Red
lørdag den 12. august 2023
Dovne dage / Lazy days
fredag den 11. august 2023
torsdag den 10. august 2023
Den første / The first one
onsdag den 9. august 2023
tirsdag den 8. august 2023
Intenst / Intense
mandag den 7. august 2023
Et lille pindsvin / A tiny hedgehog
Hedgehogs just look so cute. And you don't meet them that often, which might helt them look even cuter? Today's pattern is for a teeny tiny hedgehog that you can sew on your clothes or where you like. It is as cute as the real ones, but it's not stinging, and I'm sure it will not poop as much as I heard the real ones do..... The pattern is right here.